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Faculty & Staff

2023°ÄÃŲÊÃâ·Ñ×ÊÁÏ´óÈ«'s Communication Department is an actively engaged group that focuses on excellence in teaching and work outside the classroom. The curriculum prepares students to be communication experts for their professional career after 2023°ÄÃŲÊÃâ·Ñ×ÊÁÏ´óÈ« and as lifelong learners.

Faculty members encourage students to become involved in the program beyond the classroom experience through engagement in co-curricular activities including GreyComm Studios, The Greyhound and WLOY. The faculty also assists upperclassmen in obtaining internships for credit throughout the year. The hope is that all students will want to become involved in department activities and contribute to an engaging academic environment and the Baltimore community.

Dr. Kevin Atticks photograph
Kevin Atticks Apprentice House Director
Teaching Areas: Introduction to Communication, Public Relations, Graphic Design, Magazine and Book Publishing
Bryan Babcock
Bryan Babcock Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Digital Media, Media Writing
Dr. Amy Bree Becker Photo
Amy Becker Professor

Twitter: @amybree

Teaching Areas: Introduction to Communication, Media, Culture and Society, Political Communication, Public Opinion and Political Entertainment

Research Areas: Public Opinion, Political Entertainment & Comedy, Elections & Political Engagement, and New Media

Professor Belz Photo
David Belz Teaching Professor in Advertising and Public Relations
Teaching Areas: Introduction to Communication, Fundamentals of Advertising and Public Relations, Writing for Advertising and Public Relations
Dr. Masudul Biswas Headshot Photo
Masudul Biswas Department Chair, Professor
Teaching Areas: Web I, Web II, Mobile Media, Digital Tools, Capstone in Web & Print, User Experience, and  Emerging Media & Society. 

Research Interests: Community and Ethnic Media, Online News and Public Affairs, Global Media, Diversity and Communication/Media Education, Curriculum Development on Communication for Development.
Professor Gerard Blair Headshot Photo
Gerard Blair Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Introduction to Advertising, Senior Capstone in Advertising, Ad Copywriting
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Russell J. Cook Professor Emeritus
John Devecka Headshot Photo
John Devecka Campus Media Manager
Advising Area: WLOY-Radio Operations Manager
Noelle Dichiera
Noelle Dichiera Assistant Teaching Professor in Digital Media
Teaching Areas: Graphics I, Graphics II, Web I, Digital Tools
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H. Jay Dunmore Campus Media Manager
Teaching Areas: Video I, Video Animation
Advising Area: GreyComm Studios
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Noah Frank Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Sports Writing
Professor Nora Frenkiel Photograph
Nora Frenkiel Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Media Writing, Travel Reporting & Journalism Capstone
Professor Glick Photo
Jenny Glick Assistant Teaching Professor in Journalism
Teaching Areas: Reporting & Writing, Media Storytelling, Broadcast News, Public Speaking
Dr. Gregory Hoplamazian Headshot Photo
Greg Hoplamazian Associate Professor, Academic Director of Emerging Media M.A. Program
Teaching Areas: Introduction to Advertising, Advertising and Society, Ad Copywriting

Research Areas: Advertising & Consumer Identity, Crisis Communication on Social Media, and Native Advertising
ben johnson headshot
Ben Johnson Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Advertising Management, Advertising Copy Writing
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Chris Kimani Program Assistant
Dr. Elliot King Headshot Photo
Elliot King Professor
Teaching Areas: Media Culture and Society, Digital Culture, Emerging Media
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Rona Kobell Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Environmental Journalism
lawrence lanahan headshot
Lawrence Lanahan Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Introduction to Communication, Print and Radio Journalism
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Elli Lieberman Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Area: Media and the Political Process 
Dr. Jonathan Lillie Headshot Photo
Jonathan Lillie Associate Chair, Associate Professor
Teaching Areas: Journalism, Interactive Media, Online Journalism, Web Design
Dr. Sara Magee Headshot Photo
Sara Magee Associate Professor
Teaching Areas: Broadcast and Backpack Journalism, Media Ethics and Social Media & Culture
zoe newman headshot
Zoe Newman Director of Program Operations in Emerging Media
Professor Newton Photo
April Newton Assistant Teaching Professor in Multimedia
Teaching Areas: Mass Media Ethics, Multimedia Storytelling, Writing for Mass Media, Documentary Traditions & Production, and Advanced TV Reporting
Professor Nguyen Photo
Nguyen Nguyen Assistant Teaching Professor in Digital Media
Teaching Areas: Video I, Video II, Animation & Motion Graphics, Multimedia Storytelling, Graphics I
Dr. Paola Pascual-Ferra Headshot Photo
Paola Pascual-Ferrá Associate Professor
Teaching Areas: Fundamentals of Advertising & Public Relations, Communication Research Methods, Health Communication and User Experience
Molly Robey Headshot
Molly Robey Assistant Teaching Professor
Teaching Areas: Multimedia Storytelling, Media Writing
Dr. Tania Rosas-Moreno Headshot Photo
Tania Cantrell Rosas-Moreno Professor
Teaching Areas: Introduction to Public Relations, Writing for Public Relations, International Public Relations, Senior Capstone in Public Relations
andrew shumway headshot
Andrew Shumway Assistant Teaching Professor
Teaching Areas: Introduction to Communication, Media Writing, Fundamentals of Advertising and Public Relations
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Robert Terry Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Business Journalism
Chuck Thompson Headshot
Chuck Thompson Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Multimedia Storytelling Fundamentals of Advertising and Public Relations
tim tooten headshot
Timothy Tooten, Sr. Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Area: Broadcast Journalism
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Reagan Warfield Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Introduction to Radio, Advanced Radio Production, Podcasting 
Dr. Karsonya Whitehead Photo
Karsonya (Kaye) Wise Whitehead Professor
Read more about Dr. Whitehead: Executive Director, The Karson Institute for Race, Peace, & Social Justice

Twitter: @kayewhitehead

Teaching Areas: Introduction to Communication, Story Development and Scripting, Documentary Tradition, Documentary Production, Baltimore Stories Project
Joseph Winter Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Introduction to Public Relations and Writing for Public Relations
katie wollman headshot
Katie Wollman Assistant Teaching Professor
Teaching Areas: Digital Media, Media Writing
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Charles Yankovich Affiliate Faculty
Teaching Areas: Free Speech, Free Expression